The GAPS™ Diet

Gut and Psychology Syndrome

Dr. Natasha

Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride is a physician, researcher and parent of a fully recovered child with a severe learning disability. While seeing patients at her own Cambridge Nutrition Clinic, she observed how a high percentage of them suffered from both cognitive and digestive dysfunction. Her many years of experience led her to propose the name Gut and Psychology Syndrome (GAPS™) to describe the adverse effects suffered by the brain as a result of intestinal dysbiosis.

Stages of GAPS

Following her years of research and observation, Dr. Campbell-McBride developed a diet that would minimize toxicity and promote restoration of the gastrointestinal lining. The GAPS™ diet consists of seven stages that features foods free of grains, sugars and refined carbohydrates. The cornerstone of the diet consists of homemade meat stock which provides the body with nourishing fats, amino acids and vitamins. Over time, the gut lining is able to rebuild itself so that harmful substances no longer pass into the bloodstream. When this river of toxins is lifted from the brain, those affected are able to regain a great deal of function and in some cases, near normalcy.

Certified GAPS Practitioner

A Certified GAPS™ Practitioner (CGP) offers counseling and direction that is targeted to your specific challenges. I have been a CGP for nine years and have helped many people get started on the GAPS diet. It can be overwhelming, at first, and I’m happy to guide you through the initial steps so that you make all the foods correctly and understand how to progress through the stages. Not everyone needs to start on Intro stage 1! Please get in touch so we can talk more about your unique situation.

Leaky Gut

Following her years of research and observation, Dr. Campbell-McBride developed a diet that would minimize toxicity and promote restoration of the gastrointestinal lining

Seven Stages

The GAPS™ diet consists of seven stages and features foods free of grains, sugars and refined carbohydrates. The cornerstone of the diet consists of homemade meat stock which provides the body with nourishing fats, amino acids and vitamins.



Over time, the gut lining is able to rebuild itself so that harmful substances no longer pass into the bloodstream.


Regain Function

When this river of toxins is lifted from the brain, those affected are able to regain a great deal of function and in some cases, near normalcy.

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